Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Weekend at FVS

As many of you know, this is Memorial Day weekend. As a result, many people are buying clams. As an aside, what the hell is with people and clams? Seriously, they're disgusting, especially steamers, because they spit all over you and look like mini penises. Ew.

Day One was pretty easy. I had a trainer who we shall call Nick. Nick's slightly older than me and VERY easy on the eyes, plus he's completely awesome and we talked about horror movies and music all night. It was completely dead in the seafood department, with only one person requesting a dinner and otherwise people didn't really buy much, so there wasn't anything to restock. We ended up just standing around talking for most of the time, which was cool. I work with Nick tomorrow. Yayyyy!

Day Two and Day Three were pretty much the same. I worked with Seafood Manager Tom, who is very unhygienic, and basically I bagged, tagged and displayed clams. For about 8 hours in between the two days. Boo. I don't have many stories really, so far, but there's more to come.

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