Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When You're Up, You're Up

The last couple of weeks have been awesome. I'm waiting for the cycle of suck that is my life to kick in. Usually when I have a period of time that is really awesome, and everything seems like it's going perfectly, something happens (get broken up with, lose my job, family member dies, etc etc) and I spend even longer completely hating everything. But it's been about three weeks now, and everything's seriously awesome. Longer than three weeks, actually, probably since our midterm results came back.
I'm not in a relationship, but something's definitely starting, and it makes me happy. He's the first decent guy I've dated, and doesn't want to jump into things only to have the relationship fizzle out after a month or two. I respect that and have been trying my damnedest to control my "KISS ME AND KISS ME NOW" urges. Which is hard, as he is hot.
No job yet either, but I'm starting a tidy little business on campus. Can't tell you too much about it in case campus officials start reading this (and no, it's not drugs) but it's going pretty well so far. I've got two clients (that makes me sound like a hooker...I'm not a hooker either) and hopefully through word-of-mouth I'll get some more. If I earn enough money, I'm doing one of two things: I'm either going to Geneseo for a weekend, or I'm getting those piercings I've wanted for like ever.
What else is going well? Mother went to Michigan for 4 days, and totally expected to come back to a trashed house. Well, JOKE'S ON YOU, MOTHER! Since I had only one guest who stayed longer than like 2 hours, my house was nice and clean throughout the weekend, requiring only a little bit of vacuuming at the eleventh hour before she came home. She was ecstatic and gave me some stuff she brought back from Michigan. Nothing exciting, though - socks, sweatpants, a sweater, and pyjama bottoms. She apparently couldn't find the iPod she promised me but that's OK. I'll probably end up buying it myself anyway. Either that or an XBox 360. Want. So bad.
I've decided to save up for a car and my license. The Boy has a car but it's not fair to make him drive like an hour and a half just to come see me every weekend, so with any luck I'll be able to get a car before next winter.
Not sure if I'm going to E.M.U. next fall. Might stay here if things keep going this well :]

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